Services in Appleton WI

Chiropractic Techniques: At Well Within Chiropractic we offer a variety of chiropractic techniques in Appleton WI and will work with you to find out which techniques work best for you. Chiropractic care can be gentle and remain effective. In fact, Dr. Kate feels that the body responds better to gentle adjustments and uses the minimum force necessary to adjust the joint. Dr. Kate will explain each technique she will use prior to the first adjustment. Techniques used include:
- Diversified
- Thompson Drop
- Activator
- Webster Technique
Physiotherapy Modalities in Appleton:
- Therapeutic Ultrasound: Provides sound waves to stimulate soft tissue repair by promoting tissue relaxation, increasing circulation, and decreasing inflammation.
- Electrical Stimulation: Produces electrical stimulation to reduce deep tissue pain, increase muscle strength, and promote blood supply to the area.
- Cold Laser: Uses low-level lasers that utilize specific wavelengths to help accelerate the healing process. Not only does this therapy decrease pain, swelling and edema, it also improves range of motion and gives the cells more energy. Cold laser therapy increases the damaged tissue’s ability to handle additional stress.
Uses moist heat packs to increase local blood flow to boost muscle elasticity, relaxation and relief
Stretches and exercises will be given to improve or maintain structure and function and decrease the likelihood of re-injury
Nutritional Counseling
One-on-one goal-orientated diet and nutritional advice designed around your specific needs.
9:30am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:30am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Well Within Chiropractic
2500 East Enterprise Avenue Suite E
Appleton, WI 54913